"We were able to build off the enthusiasm from the mid-week Upper City Park CX race in 2019 and 2021, which were based on a foundation laid by the Chamois Time gals in the years preceding that. Parks staff had been impressed with the turnout at those events, and were open to more events in the future. After a successful event this year I asked about a full day event, using Lower City Park and its larger area and unique features. "Once I had the godfather of Iowa City Cyclocross, Todd Gillihan, on board to help set up and lay out an amazing course it was full steam ahead. We have worked closely with parks staff to best lay out a course that will minimize impact to the park and hopefully create more long term opportunities like this within the IC Parks system. "It should be a fun course, well balanced between some flat and fast sections near the pond and horse shoe pits, but then finding some more challenging elements as we get behind the Shakespeare Theater and up into the big off camber oak grove near the parks main entrance. The course will pass by the historic log cabins after a long climb that boarders the upper park road. After this racers will bomb back down into the lower park and start it all over again. We think we have a great course planned out, weather looks like it will be ideal, and we are excited to take advantage of this new opportunity."
"The Corridor Devo Team and parents had been instrumental in helping Goosetown put on the Creekside Race in some of the previous years," said Sobocinski. "It seemed like a natural fit for them to take on a bigger role in the race production. They have been racing 'cross all over the state and beyond , so I trust they will put together something fun for all rider types while pushing and growing their skills. "It's so important for these kids to have a role in actually putting on a race. They can see it's not about just showing up for your race time then going home when you cross the line. The whole production that goes into even a small local event is important to learn. "
Online registration for City Park Cross Saturday ends Thursday at 5pm. Registration for Creekside Cross Sunday ends Friday at 5pm. So far the forecast for both days looks good.
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